Web and mobile developer based in Paris, curious, autonomous, rigorous, I like simple, fast and efficient applications. A sense of listening and service reinforced by 5 years of experience working on various projects, technical expertise in constant progress thanks to continuous training. Motivated by the need to always do better and supported by solid foundations acquired, I take pleasure in taking up new challenges.
Web Frontend
Web Backend
Mobile Apps
Server side Apps
Java Desktop Apps
E-commerce Apps
Graduated2016 - 2017
Graduated2018 - 2020
GraduatedDuring one year at Barcelona, I've joined a team of 5 persons in order to create and design professional android applications.
Managing 1500 Crypto-currency miners needs a cross-platform application to create/change/manage/remove miners, with a very complex software created to check each worker efficiency and take the necessary action.
I've made serval applications for both SIONT and SFP companies based in Paris, these applications are meant to manage employees activities.
Create a professional web application, portfolio, SPA, or e-commerce. I can make your ideas come to life.
Before the beginning of any projet, I suggest to my clients some templates I made based on their expectation, only then I start coding.
Four years of experience in developping and designing Android apps., some of my apps. are currently available on Play store, others are used by my clients to improve the performance of their employees.
In order to make any application, I make sure that I understood the requirement of my client, it's important to improve the user experience. Frequent changes in UI can also be required to obtain client satisfaction.